Create a Village Around Your Baby

Share updates, get support and celebrate every step, all in one place. We send updates and reminders to your villagers (so you don't have to 😉).

Start a Baby Page>> See an example of a real page

Create your Villie Page

Define your support. We help you ask for it.

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Villie image
gender reveal game screen

Have fun with your village

Play games. Like guessing boy or girl? Loved ones guess and you raise money.

Simplify your gift experience

List all your registries and manage your cash funds in one place.

screen of easy to gift options for diapers, food and registry
streamline communication with milestones and events

Streamline communicaton

Friends and family subscribe for real-time updates, bump pics and more.

Private + secure

Your baby's page, your invited eyes only.

screen of invitation for Village members
screen of notes left to a mom from her friends and family.

Absolutely free

Start now, no cost, full joy.

Get Started
>> See an example of a real page

What new moms
are saying

This was a wonderful way for both of our families to come together as one.

Deija G.


A baby announcement on a letter board.

It was a lot of fun getting to do this game with the second baby. Thank you ❤️

Anastasia M.


This was easy to do and organize. I did not wanted to go with the hassle of a gender reveal party, so this was free, easy to set up and it was a good way to keep family and friends engage while raising money for baby essentials.

Nayelly R.


It's was beautiful and different having family and friends to participate.

Laquisha I.


We was only expecting to raise maybe $100 dollars at most who knew this would generate an extra $800 in funds to go towards our newborn its truly a blessing.

Jarvis G.


It was good! A nice and fun way to try to get some extra money before baby gets here!

Chloe K.


See more reviews


Create your Village

Get your baby website up and running in just a few steps!

Start a Villie